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A-Eye Node Airdrop Rewards

Overview of the Community & Ecosystem Token Allocations

We have reserved the vast majority of Angelverse tokens for our community. 15% of the entire supply is dedicated to the Council of the Angels (CoA), so our community can collectively reward the active contributors to our IP and beautiful game, Angelic. There is also a massive 40% dedicated to the foundation and A-Eye node operators, and 2% for additional airdrop rewards.

In total, approximately 58% of the entire supply is dedicated to the community and foundation.

The Council (CoA) will govern its own token pool as an advanced DAO, so that part is not for the node operators.

The 2% bonus airdrop pool is for various community activities and for Transcendence Shard collectors.

For the node operators, we will reserve half of the Foundation & A-Eye Node Operators pool. That's the biggest pool in the tokenomics with 40%, and half of it means 20% of the total supply will be distributed to the node operators as an additional reward over the years and based on activity levels. Given the total supply of ANGL will be 1 billion, that means 200 million ANGL tokens will be distributed as a reward to contributors to our ecosystem via node operating actions.

Airdrop Details to A-Eye Node Operators

Our token distribution mechanism will distribute 30% of the reserved supply in the first year to active node operators. Every year, there will be a halving event, halving the rewards. That means in 4 years, all the tokens will be distributed by gradually lowering the amounts every year. This approach is taken because we estimate our tokens' value will increase over time, so we need to reward early supporters properly while avoiding providing too many rewards in the later stages. Here is the full table:

YearTokens DistributedCumulative Tokens DistributedTokens Remaining

















There will be 100,000 A-Eye node licenses. Initially, 50,000 of them will be offered for sale. The remaining half will be offered when the demand is high enough and the game's population is obviously exceeding Angelverse A-Eye DePIN's capabilities.

Remaining active means activating the nodes and contributing to the Angelverse A-Eye Cloud Network by reaching at least 25% daily uptime (6 hours).

Bonus token rewards (airdrops) happen in a random day every month.

Important Reminders

Remember, the main incentive of the nodes is the revenue distribution among the node operators. Airdrop rewards are a good backup to ensure that even during the initial months of the game's launch, and even if the AI-related business models don't yield significant income, we support our operators. This support helps them sustain their operations and encourages continued investment in our ecosystem, allowing us to flourish together.

Last updated


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